Stef Felix


All You is the name of the graduation work i did for my bachelor in Visual Design at the Luca School of Arts in Ghent. All You is a campaign by Nike focussing on human inspiration and performance, and questioning brand identity.

ALL YOU is a way to inspire every athlete in the world. Our focus lies with human performance and inner power.

Creating ALL YOU is our way of inspiring the world, while staying true to the mission.We strongly believe that everyone has the capabilities to achieve top tier athleticism and physical health. With the right attitude and a strong mindset you can achieve every goal you set for yourself.

The swoosh doesn’t make the attitude, that’s ALL YOU.

I created a new brand. Not just a subdidiary brand of Nike, but a brand that completely replaces Nike during an entire season. FW/21 becomes ALL YOU instead of Nike.

I extracted the name ALL YOU out of the core of the message: “The swoosh doesn’t make the athlete, that’s ALL YOU.”

This one sentence explains the concept completely. By buying or wearing a swoosh you do not become an athlete, that strength lies solely with you.

ALL YOU is meant to inspire everyone. Although the Nike attitude is hidden behind this message, ALL YOU casts Nike away to convey an inspiring message.


I was nominated the ‘Standaard Solidariteitsprijs’ for my cover design of De Standaard, one of Belgium’s premier newspapers, in association with Mamas for Africa. My design was featured on the back cover of De Standaard.

My design was meant to spread awareness about the horrible circumstances for women in Eastern Congo, by comparing two strong images with even stronger copy.

“The Standard Solidarity Prize is a dreamed way to make our message known to a wider audience in a sustainable way. And the more people get to know and support our work, the more resources we have to make a real difference to the women of Eastern Congo.” 

– Mamas for Africa